Want to sell your Amazon FBA business? Build a business you never want to sell
Imagine scaling and then selling your Amazon FBA business for millions of dollars.
The paperwork is signed by both parties.
The assets are transferred.
And just like that: it’s not your Seller Central account anymore, it’s the buyer’s. You can’t check the seller app as usual. What a weird feeling.
And then a huge, life-changing amount of money is deposited to your bank account from escrow. You check the number on your banking app. That’s a lot of commas! Looking back, you now realize that all the difficult moments, tough conversations, and late nights were worth it. It’s enough money to invest and live off the interest forever. As of today, you’re effectively “retired” and any other work you do is 100% voluntary. You’ve won.
This is the result that I’d like you to achieve.
I’ve been lucky enough to contribute to outcomes like this a number of times.
It’s the reason I send these emails.
Because nothing is quite as good as total freedom.
How to get there?
1 simple concept:
If you want to sell your Amazon FBA business, build an Amazon FBA business you don’t WANT to sell.
It’s counterintuitive and weird.
For your consideration:
What does it mean to build an Amazon business you don’t want to sell?
You’d have to love owning it.
Which probably comes down to 2 things:
(1) Time freedom. You’re not stuck working in the business all day. There are well-documented processes/SOPs in place and they run without you (using software, a team, contractors, etc.). You can get involved as much or as little as you want. If something interests you, you dive in. Otherwise, you can stay out with no ill effects to the business.
(2) Profitable. The business is throwing off cash. It’s enough so that you can take generous owner’s dividends and live well off of those. You don’t mind owning the business because you’re just like “well shucks, every month that I don’t sell means another cheque for me!” And boy, if profit is growing month-on-month, you’re really going.
The plot twist is: if you have these 2 things in place, they’re the same attributes that make you an ideal acquisition target.
The new owners are just like you:
They want to own the business asset without fuss.
And they want it to throw off cash to pay back their cost of acquisition.
My team at AsteroidX can help you with both of these things:
(1) We act as an extension of your team to run your PPC and Seller Central activity (freeing up your time), and
(2) We work to increase the bottom line in the business via profitable ads
But first, we start by having a conversation to see if it makes sense for everyone.
We don’t (and can’t) run our playbook with every Amazon FBA account. Maybe the margins aren’t where they need to be. Maybe the listings need work, first. We’ll let you know! So to get your free, private assessment, click this link: