The key to Amazon keyword ranking – teleport to page 1
If you could obliterate your Amazon competition with 1 sentence, would you?
In this email, I’m going to give you that sentence.
Use it wisely.
And be kind. Not everyone is in my circle like you, so leave some market share for your competition, would ya? 😉
They’ve got families and bills to pay.
I don’t want to hear that anyone went “full throttle” with this thing.
This 1 sentence is about how to achieve page 1 keyword ranking.
In other words, how to get your product on page 1 of Amazon search results.
Why does it even matter?
Because 70% of the money is made on the first page. Which means the leftover 30% is scattered between pages 2 to 100 and beyond. Gross.
Plus, once you’re on page 1 the sales come to YOU. It’s like being so famous that people start pitching YOU opportunities, instead of the other way around (think Shark Tank, or Kim Kardashian). It’s a strange and fabulous place to be.
And believe it or not, Amazon keyword ranking in 2023 is still simple.
To rank higher than your competitors on Amazon, what you need to do is:
Sell as many or more units than your competitors for specific keywords for more than 10 consecutive days, then stick the landing.
Let’s break it down:
“Sell as many or more units than your competitors” = sales can come from anywhere, but I’d recommend building your own proprietary list off of Amazon that you use for product launches and ranking increases. If you sell yoga mats, you’d want to make an Instagram page for yoga enthusiasts, build it up over time, collect email addresses, and email your list when you need sales. Discounted sales still work fine for ranking, but keep it at a maximum of 30% off. Extremely discounted sales no longer influence ranking as much. And then, get the other portion of your daily sales with Amazon PPC. They’re full-priced sales and Amazon loves them. You can tell how many daily sales are required to rank for a keyword using any of the Amazon keyword research apps.
“for specific keywords” = don’t try and outrank competitors for every keyword. Pick 5 high-relevancy, high-traffic keywords and go after those. What happens when you take a huge fire hose and let it blast? Water everywhere, totally uncontrolled. What happens if you take the fire hose and put a thin nozzle on the front? That stream of water can cut through walls. Focus is important.
“for more than 10 consecutive days” = Amazon cares about recency of sales. Who cares if this product sold well 3 months ago? Amazon certainly doesn’t. You need a “revenue resume” that’s at least 10 days long, so that Amazon’s ranking algorithm says “well, looks like this product consistently sells well. I guess I should put it up higher”.
“then stick the landing” = in our testing, we’ve found that we can rank even suboptimal product listings (no reviews, few pictures, no EBC, etc.) onto page 1 temporarily using the method outlined above. But you know what? If the listing is bad it doesn’t last. Once your 10 day push is over, if your listing doesn’t CONVERT the same as your new page 1 neighbors, it won’t retain its ranking. If the reviews, photos, copy, etc. aren’t up to par, it will fall back down “where it belongs”.
Do you want to take advantage of this strategy and the many others we’ve found after deploying $13m/year in Amazon ad spend?
Isn’t it time to break out of where your business is now and reach new heights?
Life’s too short to run a 6 or low 7 figure business.
Let’s go big.
To do it, you’ll need expert counsel.
“Been there, done that”-type folks.
To that end, I’d like to invite you to a private 1on1 strategy call where my team of Amazon experts will work with you to formulate a customized, breakthrough plan for your Amazon business. I guarantee this will be the best call you have all year for your Amazon business.
And, it’s totally free. I’ll foot the bill for the consultation time. I know that we’ll be rewarded (by the universe) for our good work in due course.
Go ahead and schedule your free consultation here:
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