Increase Amazon sales with this weird “SKU by SKU” technique
I talked to a fairly large seller the other day (~$300k/mo in topline rev).
But, there’s a problem:
Their sales are flat year-on-year.
And on Amazon, if you’re not growing, you’re dying (Amazon’s marketplace is still growing considerably, so if a seller’s revenue is flat it means their relative market share is actually shrinking).
This can’t keep happening.
But, it’s impossible to solve this problem by looking at topline revenue alone.
That’s an output.
We need to go upstream and study inputs.
The fact that we did $300k in October 2021 and $300k again in October 2022 is bad, but it’s not actionable information. I have a different technique that I like to use for situations like this.
I call it the “SKU by SKU”.
The gist is:
The “war” is the topline rev. But the individual “battles” that determine the outcome of the “war” are won and lost on a SKU level. To fix topline revenue, we need to go 1 level deeper: to individual products.
Revenue could be flat because:
– all products were flat, or
– some products did GREAT while others did horribly and dragged down performance
Both scenarios look the same on the surface.
But they’re very different on a SKU level.
And the solutions are very different.
This method gets a little technical (nothing beyond basic excel, which is just about all I’ve got), so I recorded an 8 minute tutorial here, if you want to check it out:
By the end of that guide, you’ll know exactly which SKUs are messing up your performance.
Then, you can fix each SKU (“battle”).
And win the revenue “war”.
Or, if you want us to run this analysis with you for free, book a call with us here and we’ll set it up (no commitment required):