Here are 5 low-cost things to do now to recession proof your Amazon FBA business.

As you know…

– inflation is at a 40-year high
– groceries and gas cost a fortune
– experts are forecasting the worst recession in years
– COGS and shipping rates have increased, squeezing your margins

Not to mention new competition (from home and abroad) swarming Amazon. Banging on the doors. 

The Amazon game has changed. 

It’s not 2014 anymore (I know because I’ve been in the industry since 2014!). 

All of this can leave you with less profit than ever. With revenue, but no dollars in your pocket. 

Through no fault of your own. 

It can feel like the sky is falling. There’s a knot in your stomach and a gnawing sense of dread. 

But I’m here to tell you: it doesn’t have to be this way. 

All this uncertainty will go away by working with the experts at AsteroidX. We will help you navigate the storm, just as we supported 100s of brands through March 2020. 

By the way… 

…the best time to create a plan of action is BEFORE $%#@ really hits the fan. 

Because now, we’re thinking logically and we have time to think. 

If you knew a tornado was coming, wouldn’t you want to get ready before everyone else? 

Do these 5 things now! 

Scroll down…

The 5 Things

 KYP. “Know Your Profits!” If you don’t, go to Reports, the Business Reports, then Look by Child SKU, then Export the CSV, open the spreadsheet, make new columns, put in landed COGS and ad spend. And really see how much money you’re making! I know you have a general idea, but this will tell you if some products have to be cut, prices increased, etc. Don’t forget to factor in ad spend! 

– talk to your suppliers and see what discounts are available. Cite past patronage, future patronage, and work out deals. 

– position your products as essentials. Maybe they can be reposition or new listings made with the same item, but just positioned differently. 

– do marketing that cashflows immediately. Like Sponsored Products on Amazon. Don’t forget your Auto Catch Alls! We love those. 

– invest in skills. Skills are recession proof. For example, learning how to work with influencers. Or building an email list. Or product development. 

You can learn these skills for free online and monetize them immediately. 

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