If you had a million dollars to invest, would you rather:
(a) give it to a high school student to invest on your behalf, or
(b) give it to Warren Buffett to invest on your behalf?
You’d probably go with Warren, right?
This shows something important.
It’s not about the AMOUNT you invest, it’s about HOW the capital is deployed.
The same is true with Amazon ads.
An unskilled ad manager can spend $10,000 a month on Amazon ads and lose it all.
A skillful ad manager can spend $10,000 a month on Amazon ads and get back $50,000.
It’s not how much is deployed; it’s how skillfully it’s deployed.
To help you deploy your ad spend more skillfully, here are three High-profit campaign structures that you can try immediately:
#1 “The Weekender” Export data from your business reports in Seller Central.
You’ll want at least a month’s worth of data. Preferably 90 days.
Break out your sales by day of the week and notice:
Are sales particularly high on Mondays and Tuesdays?
How about on weekends?
Or do you excel every day after 6:00 p.m. when people get home from work?
My team and I recently came across an example where the seller was selling car wash kits.
Sales would spike every Thursday and Friday with people shopping in anticipation of cleaning their car on the weekend.
Our conversion rates went through the roof on Thursdays and Fridays, and that spend was much better deployed during those times.
On Mondays, we just couldn’t get people to convert even though we were spending. So find patterns and then increase your spend and bidding during peak periods. This can change your results dramatically.
#2 “The Man of Few Words”
What’s that one keyword that, if you were to rank on the first page for it, would change your life forever?
Every product has one.
Instead of running a bunch of keywords in each campaign like every other seller, sometimes we’ll create a campaign with one keyword and one keyword only.
This lets you focus all of your budget and bids just on that one term, and it drives ranking like crazy. And as an added benefit, because the campaign only has one keyword, it’s extremely easy to track inside of Amazon’s campaign manager. So that’s nice too.
#3 “The Spotlight” And lastly, I encourage you to play with Amazon’s Dynamic bidding feature.
Specifically, Amazon’s top-of-search feature.
You can ethically bribe Amazon to put you on the first page. The dynamic bidding feature allows you to say, “Hey Amazon, I only want to pay 50 cents per click on this ad unless you can put me on the first page for this term, in which case I’ll pay $2.” You might ask, “Why would anyone want to do this? Isn’t this just an invitation to raid my wallet?”
And on the surface, it looks that way.
Except what we found is that click-through rates and conversion rates are higher for results appearing on the first page. Once you factor that in, even if you do pay $2 per click versus 50 cents per click, your cost of acquiring a customer is not actually that much higher. And many sellers are afraid to do this, so you’ll have less competition.
These are a few plug-and-play campaigns that you can use right now to increase your revenue and profit.
This is just a sample of some of the counterintuitive lessons that we’ve learned from spending 15 million dollars on Amazon ads every single year.
I want to share more of these lessons with you so that you can make more money without the painful trial and error that normally comes along with ad spend.
And even better, I want to apply our Playbook to your specific situation. Because every seller has different competitors, seasonality, SKUs, etc., so I’d like to invite you to a private, one-on-one Zoom meeting this coming week where my team and I will study your business in depth and give you exactly the campaign structures and frameworks that you need to transform your business and leave your competitors in the dust.
Here’s the link to our calendar:
I promise this will be the best thing you’ve done for your business all year.
This is the same Playbook that has worked for household brands like Everlast, and I’m confident that it can work for you too, as long as you have a product that people love

Free Action Plan: High 7 Figures on Amazon

Get the systems, templates, protocols that 7 & 8-figure Amazon sellers use that 6 figure sellers get wrong. 40+ Pages. 100% Free.

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